Timeline of Burmese history

This is a timeline of Burmese history. It is by no means comprehensive. Please help contribute.

AncientFirst millennium11th12th13th14th15th16th17th18th19th20th21st


Date Event
1500 BCE Earliest evidence of copper and bronze works, rice growing, domesticating chickens and pigs in Irrawaddy valley[1]
500 BCE Iron-working settlements south of present day Mandalay[1]
1st century BCE Pyu people enter the Irrawaddy valley from north

First millennium

Date Event
2nd-4th centuries The Pyu convert to Buddhism
6th?-9th centuries Mon migrations to Lower Burma from Haribhunjaya and Dvaravati (present-day Thailand)
638 The Pyu at Prome launch Burmese calendar
825 The Mon found city of Pegu
832–835 Pyu city-states destroyed by Nanzhao raids
Burman migrations to Upper Burma begin en masse
849 The Burmans found city of Pagan, and Pagan Kingdom

11th century

Date Event
1044 Anawrahta ascends to Pagan throne
1056 Anawrahta converted to Theravada Buddhism by Shin Arahan
1057 Pagan conquers Thaton Kingdom, starts Theravada tradition in Pagan
1050s–1060s Anawrahta founds Pagan Empire including, Thaton, near Shan States, North Arakan, Tenasserim
1058 Earliest (experimental) inscription in Burmese
1071 Anawrahta helps restart Theravada Buddhism in Ceylon
1084 Mon rebellion
1090 Kyansittha builds Ananda Temple

12th century

Date Event
1102 Earliest inscription of the word Mranma (Myanmar) (in Mon script)[2]
1106 Burmese embassy to Song China
1113 Myazedi inscription, earliest evidence of a more settled Burmese script
1118 Pagan restores Letyaminnan to north Arakanese throne
1144 Alaungsithu builds Thatbyinnyu Temple
1173 Narapatisithu founds the Royal Palace Guards
1170s Affirmation of Burman leadership of Pagan: Burmese script becomes the primary script, replacing Mon and Pyu scripts
1180 Ceylonese raids to Bassein (Pathein)
1180s Schism develops in Burmese Buddhism; majority of monks shift to Mahavihara school
1190 The word Mranma first appears in Burmese[2]

13th century

Date Event
c. 1200 Dhamaavisala Dhammathat code of law compiled
1210 Kyaukse weir built
1218 Htilominlo builds Htilominlo Temple, the last of the great temples
1273 Mien (for Mranma) first mentioned in Chinese[2]
1277–1287 Mongol invasions begin
1280 City of Toungoo (Taungoo) founded as a Pagan frontier outpost
1281 Wareru seizes governorship of Martaban (Mottama)
1287 Pagan Kingdom falls; old kingdom broken into multiple regional power centers
Hanthawaddy Kingdom proclaimed in Lower Burma
1294–1298 Hanthawadddy receives recognition as a tributary of Sukhothai Kingdom and the Mongols
1298 Myinsaing Kingdom founded, replacing Pagan as power center in Upper Burma

14th century

Date Event
1301 Last Mongol invasion fails to topple Myinsaing
1303 Mongols evacuate Tagaung, retreat to Yunnan
1310 Thihathu kills his brother and co-regent Athinhkaya and becomes sole ruler of Myinsaing
1313 11 February: Thihathu moves capital to Pinya
1315 Myinsaing Kingdom splits into Sagaing Kingdom and Pinya Kingdom
1331 Hanthawaddy defeats Sukhothai; throws off nominal allegiance to Sukhothai
1359 Massive Shan raids into Upper Burma begin
1362 Binnya U raises the height of the Shwedagon Pagoda to 66 feet
1364 Maw Shans of Mogaung topple Pinya and Sagaing kingdoms
Thadominbya founds Ava Kingdom circa August 1364
1365 26 February: Capital of Ava founded
1369 Capital of Hanthawaddy moved to Pegu (Bago)
1371 Shan State of Kale becomes tributary of Ava
1374 North Arakan asks for a Burmese regent
1385 Forty Years' War between Ava and Hanthawaddy Pegu begins
1389 Razadarit consolidates all three Mon-speaking regions in Lower Burma

15th century

Date Event
1406–1430 Arakan vassal to Ava or Hanthawaddy Pegu (To Ava: 1406–1407, 1412–1413; To Pegu 1407–1412; 1413–1422/(1430?)
1406 Ava conquers Shan States of Mohnyin, Mogaung, Hsipaw
1417 Minyekyawswa killed in action; Forty Years' War peters out
1430 Narameikhla founds Mrauk U Kingdom
1433 City of Mrauk U founded
1437 Mrauk U conquers Thandwe, unifying the entire Arakan coast for the first time
1459 Mrauk U conquers Chittagong
1446 Chinese invade Upper Burma, demanding surrender of a runaway Shan chief. His dead body was given up.
1450 Binnya Kyan increases the height of the Shwedagon Pagoda to 302 feet
1450s Rise of early Burmese vernacular literature
1481–1490s Multiple rebellions by its vassals against Ava's rule
Prome, Yamethin and Mohnyin break away
1482 Thado Minsaw successfully breaks away from Ava, founds Prome Kingdom
1486 Mingyinyo becomes ruler of Toungoo; stays loyal to Ava

16th century

Date Event
1503 Ava cedes Kyaukse to Toungoo to buy its loyalty, and cedes Shwebo District to Mohnyin
1510 Toungoo declares independence from Ava
1527 Confederation of Shan States conquer Ava, installs its nominee to Ava throne
1539 Tabinshwehti captures Pegu; capital of Toungoo Kingdom moved to Pegu
1541–1544 Tabinshwehti consolidates Lower Burma and captures Upper Burma up to Pagan
1547 Min Bin repels Burmese invasion of Arakan
1548 Burmese invasion of Siam fails
1555–1559 Bayinnaung annexes Upper Burma (1555), the Shan States (1557), Lan Na (1558), Manipur (1559)
1557 Bayinnaung abolishes animal sacrifice at Popa Hill and human sacrifice at Shan Hills
1564 Siam becomes Burmese vassal following the Burmese-Siamese War (1563–1564)
1569 Burmese–Siamese War (1568–1569) restores Burmese rule in Siam after the Siamese revolted in 1568
1574 Burma conquers Lan Xang
1584–1593 Siam declares independence; Repeated Burmese invasions fail to reconquer Siam
1593–1594 Lan Xang, Manipur and Lan Na throw off allegiance to Burmese throne
Siam regains Tenasserim coast up to Tavoy
1597 All regions of the kingdom now in open revolt
1599 Fall of First Toungoo Empire after Pegu sacked by the Arakanese and Toungoo (city) forces
Siam captures the entire Tenasserim coast to Martaban
Arakanese capture delta ports; appoint Portuguese mercenary de Brito governor of Syriam
1599–1605 Siamese invasions take Martaban (1599) and Lan Na (1602)

17th century

Date Event
1600–1606 Nyaungyan restores central rule to Upper Burma and Shan States
1603–1605 De Brito declares independence from Arakan, repels Arakanese attacks
1609 Portuguese mercenary Tibao captures Sandwip in East Bengal, northernmost Arakanese territory
1613 Anaukpetlun captures Syriam
1615 Anaukpetlun recaptures the Tenasserim coast down to Tavoy, and all of Lan Na
1617 Min Khamaung recovers Sandwip
Beginning of Arakanese raids on Dakha
1619 English East India Company sends a representative to Pegu
1625 Arakanese sack Dakha
1627 English and Dutch East India companies open branches in Burma
1635 Capital moved to Ava from Pegu
1638 Thalun's revenue inquest
1660 Arakanese use coined currency
1662 Surrender of the Yongli Emperor to the invading Qing forces
1662–1665 Siamese invasion of Lan Na and Tenasserim repelled
1666 Mogul Empire defeats Arakan and captures Chittagong Province
1677 English and Dutch East India companies close branches in Burma
1683 Dutch East India Company closes its branch in Arakan
1688 French East India Company opens a branch in Syriam

18th century

Date Event
1709 English open a branch in Syriam
1724–1750 The Manipuris raid Upper Burma
1725 Lan Na successfully revolts
1730s China annexes northern Shan States
1740 The Mon of Lower Burma break away, found Restored Hanthawaddy Kingdom
1740–1752 Restored Hanthawaddy gradually pushes upcountry and captures Ava, ending the Tougnoo Dynasty
The Siamese move up their control up the Tenasserim coast, taking Tavoy and then Martaban by 1751
1752 Alaungpaya founds the Konbaung Dynasty; start of Konbaung-Hanthawaddy War
1753 English seize Negrais
1755 Alaungpaya captures the Irrawaddy delta, founds Rangoon (Yangon)
1756 Alaungpaya defeats the French at Syriam
Alaungpaya sends a punitive expedition to Manipur
1757 Pegu captured; end of Restored Hanthawaddy
1758–1759 Konbaung armies overrun Manipur, reassert Burmese authority in northern Shan States which had been annexed by the Chinese in the 1730s
1759 English driven out at Negrais
1760 Burmese invasion of Siam falls short; regains the Tenasserim coast to Tavoy
1764 Hsinbyushin puts down a rebellion in Manipur
1765 Burmese armies capture Laotian states
Start of another Burmese invasion of Siam

Start of Chinese invasions (1765–1769)

1767 Burmese armies sack Ayutthaya; end of Ayutthaya Kingdom
1768–1769 Burmese armies withdrawn from Siam and redeployed to the Chinese front
Burmese defenses against the Chinese invasions held
Siam recaptures all of its territories (except Tenasserim)
1770 A rebellion in Manipur put down
1774 Lan Na (Chiang Mai) revolts, seeks and receives Siamese help
Hsinbyushin raises the Shwedagon Pagoda to its present height
1775–1776 Another Burmese invasion of Siam fails; Southern Lan Na becomes Siamese vassal
1778 Laotian states Luang Prabang and Vientiene stop paying tribute, switch sides to Siam
1783 Capital moved to Amarapura
1784 Thado Minsaw conquers Arakan, ending five centuries of Arakanese independence
Bodawpaya's revenue inquest
1785–1786 Bodawpaya's invasion of Siam fails; Lan Na now firmly in Siamese camp
1787 Defeats Siamese invasion of Tenasserim
1790 Resumes diplomatic relationship with China
1792 Defeats another Siamese invasion of Tenasserim
1797 Burmese invasion of Lan Na and Luang Prabang fails

19th century

Date Event
1802 Ceylonese monks seek ordination at Amarapura
1803–1804 Siamese invasion of Kengtung fails
1809–1812 Burmese invasion of Junkceylon (Phuket) fails
1813 Burma annexes Manipur
1817 Assam becomes tributary to Burma
1819 Burmese put down rebellions in Assam and Manipur
1821–1822 Burmese put down another rebellion in Assam, and make it a Burmese province
1824–1826 First Anglo-Burmese War; Burma cedes Arakan, Assam, Manipur and Tenasserim per Treaty of Yandabo
1849–1854 Defeats Siamese invasion of Kengtung
1852–1853 Second Anglo-Burmese War; British seize Lower Burma
1853 British expand Rangoon (modern-day downtown Yangon)
1859 Mindon moves capital to newly founded city of Mandalay
1866 Head of reform movement, Crown Prince Kanaung is assassinated.
1871 Fifth Buddhist council convenes
1875 Mindon cedes Karenni States to the British to avoid annexation
1878 Rangoon College founded
1885 Third Anglo-Burmese War; end of Burmese monarchy
1886 1 January: Burma is proclaimed a British colony
February: Burma is proclaimed a province of British India
1886–1890 British "pacification" of Burma

20th century

Date Event
1920 First Rangoon University strike
1921 The Dyarchy reforms begin
1930 Nationalist and leftist Dobama Asiayone founded
1930–1932 Peasants' rebellion
1936 Second Rangoon University strike
1937 Burma is separated from British India and becomes a separate colony
1938 Third Rangoon University strike and nationwide strikes
1941 Burma Independence Army formed with Japanese help
1942–1945 Japanese occupation of Burma
Thai occupation of Kengtung
1945 Return of British rule

12 February: Panglong Agreement signed by Shan, Kachin, Chin and Burman leaders to gain independence from the British
19 July: Aung San and most of his cabinet assassinated.
24 September: 1947 Constitution guarantees the Federated Shan States (later Shan and Kayah states), Kachin State, and Karen State, the right to secede after a period of ten years after independence

1948 4 January: Burma gains independence from the United Kingdom
1949 Insurgencies begin
1950–1953 Burmese Army repels Nationalist Chinese invasion of Shan State
1958–1960 Gen. Ne Win takes over as caretaker government
1961 U Thant becomes 3rd Secretary-General of the United Nations
Yangon hosts Second Southeast Asian Peninsular Games
1962 Ne Win overthrows democratically elected government of U Nu, begins military rule
1969 Yangon hosts Fifth Southeast Asian Peninsular Games
1974 Ne Win proclaims a new constitution
Chin Special Division becomes Chin State; Mon State is created out of Tenasserim Division
Government guns down student protesters following U Thant's death
1985–1987 Repeated demonetization of higher denomination kyat notes; Intensification of economic hardship on general populace
1988 Nationwide uprising brings down Ne Win's government
Military crushes protests, forms a ruling junta, promises elections
1989 Junta changes the English spellings of geographic names, including the country's name (to Myanmar)
1990 National League for Democracy wins 82% of the seats in the general election
Junta refuses to hand over power, jails NLD leader Aung San Suu Kyi
1990s Western nations and Japan begin economic sanctions against Myanmar
1991 Aung San Suu Kyi is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
1997 Myanmar is admitted to ASEAN

21st century

Date Event
2005 Junta moves the capital to Naypyidaw
2007 Junta suppresses anti-government protests, killing scores of protesters, including Buddhist monks
2008 2008 Constitution reserves 25% of the seats in a bicameral Hluttaw to the military
Cyclone Nargis kills nearly 140,000 people and devastates the Irrawaddy delta
2010 The 2010 general election gives the victory to military-backed USDP
2010 13 November 2010, Aung San Suu Kyi is released from house arrest.[3]
2011 31 January: The first session of Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (parliament) convenes


  1. ^ a b Thant Myint-U (2006). The River of Lost Footsteps--Histories of Burma. Farrar, Straus and Giroux. p. 45. ISBN 978-0-374-16342-6, 0-374-16342-1. 
  2. ^ a b c Hall, D.G.E. (1960). Burma (3rd edition ed.). Hutchinson University Library. ISBN 978-1406735031. 
  3. ^ Aung San Suu Kyi được thả sau khi hết hạn quản thúc tại gia (Vietnamese)
